California Licensed Vehicle Verifiers are people who are licensed by the CA DMV and are authorized to perform VIN Verifications also known as a Verification of Vehicle.
They can complete and certify the CA DMV REG 31 form that the DMV requires on some vehicle registration transactions.
To learn more about California Licensed Vehicle Verifiers Visit:
To contact a California Licensed Vehicle Verifier that serves Sacramento County, Placer County, and Yolo County - Click the "Contact Verifier" button below.
If you are looking for Mobile Vin Verifications - a CA Licensed Vehicle Verifier is your only option. The DMV will require you to take the vehicle to them which can be a tiresome process. Licensed VIN Verifiers can travel to you to complete the REG31 Verification of Vehicle, Click "See More" to learn more about our partner.
When the DMV is requesting a Verification of Vehicle [Form: REG 31], you can count on
Get Vin Verification to be there for you.
Serving Sacramento County.
For other cities in the Greater Sacramento Area, visit